

This is a defining moment for the field of international development

贫困, 性别不平等, 被迫迁移, 教育和健康差距, and climate change are among the world’s most pressing challenges.

对一些人来说,这些挑战可能是压倒性的. For you, they are a call to action to help build a socially just and sustainable world.

Your time as a master’s degree student in international development at Clark helps you harness your passion for these challenges. Our department faculty and staff provide you with the opportunity and the resources to develop the tools and skills of critical thinking and reflection that you need to thoughtfully and intentionally make a difference in the world.

跨学科协作 and with multiple communities

The world’s most significant challenges are not confined to a single issue or discipline. 我们的程序也不是. 我们的研究人员, 教育工作者, and practitioners – experts in a broad range of fields – teach and work collaboratively to improve our world. With their guidance, you’ll better understand the forces shaping today’s development challenges. Experiential learning is integrated throughout our curriculum, providing you with the opportunity to engage with communities and develop hands-on skills.


学会在各个层面解决复杂的社会问题, 从单一社区到全球政策舞台. Gain knowledge about how to work effectively with communities in ways that are inclusive and attentive to sustainability. 掌握数据收集和管理的相关技能, 监测与评价, 利益相关者分析, 以及项目的管理和实施.


Our degrees inspire you to develop equitable solutions to urgent social, 政治, 生态挑战. Through our program, students are equipped to build a more just and sustainable world.

  • 加深你的知识 国际发展挑战
  • 培养关键技能 促进制度变革
  • 跨学科协作 to understand and address complex social-ecological challenges
  • G真实世界的经验 培养专业技能和知识


  • 国际发展的历史与实践
  • 种族与发展的意识形态
  • Sustainability Studies (choose one): Sustainable Development Assessment & 规划或适应气候变化
  • Social Change and Transformation (choose one): NGOs: Catalysts for Development or Development Economics, 它的不满 & 替代方案,或人权战略,战术 & 实践
  • 可选以下课程:
    • 项目管理
    • 监测与评价
    • 地理空间分析
    • 组织的领导
(2 - 3单元)
  • 从一个定性的列表中选择, 定量, or Spatial Analysis and 国际发展 Electives.
  • 示例选修课:
    • 流亡文化
    • 全球背景下的教育与青年
    • 发展中国家的发展管理
    • 食物的政治经济学和饮食的伦理
    • 反思与审议练习(0.5)
  • 少女 & 国际发展
  • 财产 & 社区
  • 被迫移民、难民 & 归属感
  • 性别与发展
  • 社区参与的原则与伦理(0.5)
(1 - 3单元)
  • 国际发展工作室
  • Global Learning Collaborative in Bangladesh, Puerto Rico and Mexico
  • 埃塞俄比亚实地考察


10-unit track completed in three semesters (Fall or Spring start)

四个学期完成12个单元的研究, with students conducting primary research in the summer between their two years of study (Fall start only)

四个学期完成12单元的实践课程, 让学生参与全球学习协作, 国内或国际(仅秋季开始)



我们的国际发展毕业生制定政策, design and manage interventions to increase social and economic well-being, and monitor and measure intervention outcomes to promote continuous learning. 他们具有一系列的专业能力:

  • 难民政策和数据分析师 在全球密歇根办事处
  • 高级监测、学习和评估顾问 在钯
  • 业务拓展经理 在美国世界宣明会
  • 高级项目经理 在国际化学研究所
  • 对外联络部主任 我是绿色新政网络的
  • 执行董事 亚太艾滋病服务组织理事会主席
  • 气候科学项目经理 在大自然保护协会

The people in International/社区 Development are amazing. SSJ has taught me how to unravel the complexities within Development, 以及如何衡量和管理面向社会的项目.

本杰明·高迪·蔡斯.A. 1922年-国际发展


U.S. 国务院


M.A. in 国际发展 program leverages its faculty’s vast field experience in North America, 非洲, 亚洲, 拉丁美洲, and the Caribbean and their dedication to fostering environmental sustainability, 社会正义, and economic well-being in communities of all sizes around the world.  教师在智力和专业上都很活跃. They are continuously engaged in research projects in the United States and around the world, 联邦和地方政府的咨询合同, 并在当地的董事会任职, 国家和全球的非营利组织和基金会.

Explore the 可持续发展和社会正义系